五星好评 布鲁克林咖啡豆 号称适合每一个人口味的咖啡Brooklyn Blend Whole Bean Coffee

五星好评 布鲁克林咖啡豆 号称适合每一个人口味的咖啡Brooklyn Blend Whole Bean Coffee

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      • Tasting Notes: Milk Chocolate, Toffee, Dried Fruit
      • Roast Level: Light-Medium
      • 12 oz. Whole Bean
    • 一款多年的经典过滤咖啡,充满了奶油可可、甜太妃糖和丰富干果的味道。这款旗舰混合咖啡在家里用法式压榨机冲泡,无论加不加牛奶都同样美味。 这款拉丁美洲的混合咖啡具有牛奶巧克力、干果和太妃糖的舒适气息。单独饮用或加牛奶和糖都很美味,布鲁克林混合咖啡是真正适合每个人的咖啡。
    • A perennial filter classic, we use the Brooklyn blend as our go-to coffee of the day. Brimming with flavors of creamy cocoa, sweet toffee and rich dried fruits, this offering brews beautifully on the French Press at home and is equally tasty with or without milk.