TOMOMASU 超超人气瓜子碳酸汽水 Melon Cider

TOMOMASU 超超人气瓜子碳酸汽水 Melon Cider

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你是否在寻找一种清爽的日本苏打水? 这款甜瓜苹果酒不仅清爽,而且是彻头彻尾的美味。 享受光滑的甜瓜味道,品味每一滴。


圆形水果形状的瓶子非常漂亮,喝完后扔掉太可惜了。 你会享受到让人联想到水果的味道和外观。

Are you looking for a refreshing Japanese soda? This melon cider is not only refreshing, but downright delicious. Enjoy the smooth melon flavor and savor every drop.

You will enjoy the taste and appearance reminiscent of the fruit.

The round fruit-shaped bottle is so beautiful that it's a shame to throw it away after drinking. You will enjoy the taste and appearance reminiscent of fruit.