韩国农心 海鲜口味乌冬杯面 NONGSHIM NEOGURI Spicy Seafood

韩国农心 海鲜口味乌冬杯面 NONGSHIM NEOGURI Spicy Seafood

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1982年,农心的 "Neoguri "首次亮相,因其浓厚的乌冬面和独特的海鲜辣味而广受欢迎。虽然经过了许多年,但Neoguri仍然使用真正的海鲜原料,是农心最受欢迎的产品之一

Nongshim’s Neoguri made its debut in 1982 and gained popularity for its thick Udon-style noodles and distinct spicy seafood flavor. Many years have passed since then, but Neoguri continues to be made with real seafood ingredients, and remains one of the most popular of Nongshim products.