日本 和汉炼成  速效救心丸 缓解头晕胸闷心慌气促症状心痛 60粒/盒

日本 和汉炼成 速效救心丸 缓解头晕胸闷心慌气促症状心痛 60粒/盒

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请勿含在口中或咀嚼(因成份性质上的关系, 含在口中或咀嚼的话, 短期内舌头或口腔内会出现麻木感)。

成人(15岁及15岁以上) 一日三次,一次2粒。
它含有自古以来被称为补品的鹿茸和具有镇定作用的琼浆。 此外,我们增加了 "牛黄 "的量,使配方对处于压力下的人更有用。 它是由九种草药组成的组合,共同产生出色的效果。
6粒(每日剂量):感康 5mg, 牛黄 4mg, 鹿茸 5mg, 人参 25mg, 鹿角 6mg, 珍珠 7,5mg, 沉香 3mg, 龙脑 2,7mg, 动物胆汁 8mg。
Kyushin is small ball-shaped herbal medicine with natural ingredients from plants and animals. It is effective for treating palpitations and shortness of breath.

It also improves lethargic or listless conditions, lack of energy or concentration from overly-hot environments, vertigo, dizziness, etc.

The small pills dissolve easily and are quickly absorbed in the stomach.

How to use:

Adult (over 15 years old) once two tablets, three times a day, please take with water or hot water before the morning and evening, and bedtime. Or kept in the mouth, without secondary, to be taken with water or hot water (or kept in the mouth, on the nature of the components and the secondary, will remain for a while is numbness in the tongue and mouth.)