日本 Santen 参天 Soft Santear人工泪液 眼药水 4枚入 缓解干燥, 无防腐剂

日本 Santen 参天 Soft Santear人工泪液 眼药水 4枚入 缓解干燥, 无防腐剂



Santen Soft Santear眼药水是一种人工泪液眼药水,其性质与天然眼泪相似,可缓解眼干和由于眼泪不足而引起的异物感等不适症状。 非常适合使用电脑屏幕,手机或空调的人。隐形眼镜可用。

Soft Santear is an artificial tears eye drop with properties similar to natural tears to relieve unpleasant symptoms such as dry eyes and the sensation of foreign bodies due to deficiency of tears. Perfect for people who work with computer screens, mobile phones or air-conditioning. In addition, because Soft Santear has been shown to have no effect on contact lenses, you can use this product while wearing any type of contact lens (soft, O2, hard or disposable).
