『新登場』NEW! Maeda-en Boba Mochi Ice Cream Matcha 抹茶 珍珠麻糬 冰激凌

『新登場』NEW! Maeda-en Boba Mochi Ice Cream Matcha 抹茶 珍珠麻糬 冰激凌




■ 选用优质原料制作的冰淇淋
■ 里面有红糖珍珠。

Since 1984, Maeda-en has brought authentic and traditional Japanese-grown green tea to the U.S.A.

Our founder broke with tradition in 1993 and introduced Maeda-en’s signature Green Tea Ice Cream, followed by our popular line of Mochi Ice Cream.
Today we build on that tradition to introduce boba, miniature chewy pearls, into our signature Mochi Green Tea Ice Cream. No longer are boba reserved for just chilled beverages. We invite you to try this latest innovation to our Maeda-en frozen delights.