KOSE高丝 男士洁面乳 去油控油【日本进口】Men's Softymo Facial Wash Charcoal 130g

KOSE高丝 男士洁面乳 去油控油【日本进口】Men's Softymo Facial Wash Charcoal 130g




控油同时带来清爽的体验  帮助持续控油光

收缩毛孔预防暗疮 深层清洁毛孔深处污垢 清楚粗糙角质 肌肤天然保湿屏障 持久滋润 洗后不紧绷

Contains highly effective adsorbent tungsten charcoal particles + menthol

Oil control with a refreshing experience Helps control shine continuously

Reduces pore size and prevents breakouts Deeply cleanses deep pores to remove roughness and exfoliates Skin's natural moisture barrier Long-lasting moisturization No tightness after washing